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Book displays, infographics, and banned books recommendations celebrate Banned Books Week in three New Brunswick Libraries in 2023: Carr, Chang, and Douglass.

To call library users’ attention to intellectual freedom and the freedom to read, a small group of librarians and staff pooled and curated resources, such as books (banned elsewhere) from the collection of Rutgers University Libraries, resources offered by the American Library Association, and mini posters created by SEBS students during their library instruction.



The exhibit on the first floor in Douglass turned students’ existing mini-posters on display from Fall 2022 into a Banned Books Week exhibit. Originally set up by Lindsey Jones, with Kate Greenberg’s assistance to select, edit, and convert SEBS students’ posters, the exhibit was revamped by adding infographics and “BANNED” stickers to the titles on the top two rows. It also features related infographics and QR codes to find out more about banning books, set up by Judit Ward Jones, with on-site help from Stacey Carton, just in time for this fall’s SEBS Academic Mentoring library sessions.

During their library tours, over 250 students viewed the exhibit. Fellow students’ book recommendations inspired them to complete their own posters – on banned books. Stay tuned for the upcoming exhibit!