A flagpost with the Rutgers banner somewhere on campus, by Megan Lotts.
Are you taking classes online this summer? Do you miss the life on campus? Or perhaps you have never visited Rutgers – New Brunswick.
Then the galleries of Sketching New Brunswick are for you!
The images in the collection feature examples of Urban Sketching, a way to create shared experiences by documenting, collecting, and sharing drawings from our campus and daily life as we know it.
During the pandemic, when everyone was locked up and was feeling antsy, students, faculty, and staff of the Rutgers University New Brunswick’s community were invited to sketch throughout the month of November and the first week in December in 2020 and 2021. Without any background in art, everyone enjoyed the distraction to try to grab the essence of an object, scene, or situation, also helped by prompts.
You can read more about the project in our blog posts under Urban Sketching, where drawings are also presented, from artistic expressions to admittedly clumsy, one-minute sketches. But, all participants had a lot of fun and also learned to “smell the roses.”
Exhibits from the projects, along with more background are availabe in the Guide to Urban Sketching.
The first installment of the Town & Gown sketches will bring you to the campuses. Browse these images to get familiar with New Brunswick. If you feel inspired just grab a pencil and try sketching!
More on Urban Sketching
- Check out some artwork created during Urban Sketching 2021 in the online exhibit
- Urban sketching in the scholarly literature: a collection of resources from Rutgers University Libraries
- Learn more at the Urban Sketching project guide

The olympic pool in the Werblin Gym on Busch Campus, by Megan Lotts