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How We Read: Points of View

The Books We Read Blog is conducting a series of interviews with contributors and friends of the blog to get a snapshot of our reading habits: the things we like to read, the circumstances in which we read, and more.

Kate Greenberg is the Graduate Assistant at Books We Read in 2022. Read her other posts.

What kinds of books do you like to read?
In terms of fiction, I like anything that has some kind of speculative element, whether it’s science fiction, fantasy, horror, or something that blends them together. I’ll also read any nonfiction book on a topic that interests me, mostly history or science.

Do you have format preferences (print, ebook, audiobook, abridged, original language/translated, etc.)?
I prefer physical books because I have trouble staring at a screen for the amount of time it takes to read a full-length book. Articles and short stories I can read on my iPad, but anything longer than that needs to be in print.

How do you find new books to read?
I get a lot of recommendations through Goodreads (it’s the main reason why I keep my Goodreads account, actually) and Amazon, as well as by browsing the stacks at my local library.

Where and when do you read? Outdoors or indoors? At home or out and about? Mornings, evenings, or just before bed?
Lately I’ve been doing most of my reading at home, but I also do it on the train to and from Philadelphia. I prefer reading indoors most of the time, but sometimes I do sit out on my porch. As for the time of day, I usually read at night, once I’ve finished everything else I need to do on a given day.

Do you use any libraries or library resources for non-required reading?
I borrow most of my recreational reading from the Haddonfield Public Library.

What do you get out of your non-required reading?
Whatever I’m reading, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, I try to look for points of view that I might not have considered before. As a would-be fiction writer, I also try and pick up bits and pieces about writing technique, worldbuilding, crafting strong dialogue, etc. from the books I read.

cover artWhat are you currently reading, or what have you read and enjoyed most recently?
I recently finished Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. While I personally didn’t like it as much as I liked her earlier novel, Station Eleven, I still thought the book did a good job of connecting its various characters across different timelines. Next on my to-read pile is Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse, the second book in the author’s Between Earth and Sky trilogy. I read the first book, Black Sun, when it was released back in 2020, and I’ve been anticipating the sequel ever since!

Recommend a book in one sentence that you think everyone should read:
I think everyone should read A Stranger in Olondria by Sofia Samatar, a beautifully written coming-of-age story set in a masterfully rendered fantasy world, and a love letter to the power of storytelling.

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