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Audiobooks for Quarantine

If you haven’t yet tried audiobooks, this “social distancing” period might be the perfect time to start!  One of the great advantages of an audiobook is that it can become … Read More

Munro Lives!

Rumors of Alice Munro’s death have been greatly exaggerated!  After a report that the Nobel-winning Canadian author had passed away was exposed as a hoax earlier this week, Lila Kwederis … Read More

Discussion Groups

*This is an archived page. Contact us about potential new groups. The Chang Science Library invites students to join a recreational reading discussion group in Fall 2019.  We will be … Read More

Systemic Racism

Systemic racism (defined as the oppression of a racial group to the advantage of another as perpetuated by inequity within interconnected systems) can come in many forms. The following books … Read More

Danielle Pitter

Born and raised in New Jersey, Danielle has been writing stories since early childhood. What started from with innocent fairy tales in first grade turned into a growing passion that … Read More