Banned Books Week 2020
Banning books has been a long practice as a form of censorship for various reasons, mostly falling into two categories over time: indecency or political subversion, although in greater variety. Spearheaded by the American Library Association, Banned Books Week (September 27 – October 3, 2020) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Their Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) compiles lists of challenged books based on reports received from libraries, schools, and the media on attempts to ban books in the United States.
A collection of short essays for Banned Book Week 2020:
- Introduction to Banned Books (Nicholas Allred)
- What is a Zine? (Megan Lotts)
- What is Samizdat? (Judit H. Ward)
- Banned No More (Nancy Kranich)
Banned Bestsellers (Julie Rossano)
- Banned Books we read at the Banned Books Week read-in event
More to read:
- List of books banned by various governments
- Read about the history of banned books from an international perspective from Amnesty International
- Check out the most recently banned books all over the world

A Map of Forbidden Books in 2019, courtesy of Global English Editing. Click on image for more on the titles by countries.