As shown in a brief video summary, a month has passed since the opening of the first SEBS Little Free Library (LFL) in a busy location in Foran Hall, right outside the Chang Science Library.
Watching the initial collection of about 250 titles disappear in just a few days from the fully stocked and restocked LFL, the first, rather gloomy question that comes to mind is whether it is going to work at all. Experience with another LFL, however, also calls for a different angle: Are we the victims of our own success?
Books flying off the shelf may concern some, but we strongly believe in the nature of Little Free Libraries: taking a book or more is what most people do before bringing one or returning the ones they finished reading. According to the photos, people in the Cook community have already brought several books, and many of them seem to have found new readers.
Leaving the shelf half full (or half empty, for the pessimists) sends the message: You are welcome to borrow a book, but when you are done reading it, please bring it back, or bring another book to share. The LFL only works if we all use it as a sharing space.
We are glad that so many books have met their new readers. Looking forward to seeing more new titles soon. Thanks for sharing your books with others!
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