People Reorder
You can change the order in which People are displayed on a page by using the People Reorder page.
First, select the page you’d like to reorder. You can edit the order of the All People page, or of any individual People Type’s page. The All People page is selected by default.
Manual Reorder
Once you’ve selected a page, use the manual reorder module to make changes to its list of People. You can reorder this list by dragging and dropping each Person to your desired spot.
The manual reorder module displays in list view by default, but there are other views available as well.
You can switch to grid view (or back to list view) using the icons at the top left. This view displays each Person’s associated image more prominently.

You can also display each Person’s featured image alongside their name in list view by clicking the “Toggle Thumbnails” button.

To make any Person “sticky” by assigning them a specific number on the list, select the pushpin icon after their name.

An input field will appear next to the Person’s name. Type in the number you’d like to assign, and that Person will always display in that position on the page.
You can also select the pencil icon next to a Person’s name as a shortcut to their Edit Person page. Keep in mind that this will navigate you away from the People Reorder page.

To search for a specific Person in the manual reorder module, you can use the search bar at the upper right.
If you’d like to reset your unsaved changes back to their original order, select the “Reset Order” button.
To save your changes, select the “Update” button at the top or bottom of the reorder module. Once you’ve saved your changes, the page you’ve edited will immediately update.