SNARL archive
Fall 2024 News
Quartz Colvin Gives Poster Presentation at SULA 13
Ariela Ye Gives Presentation at NELS 55
Troy Messick Gives Invited Talk
Kristen Syrett Publication in Language and Linguistics Compass
Megan Gotowski Joined William & Mary
Kristen Syrett Published in Language Learning and Development
Kristen Syrett Published in Glossa
Kristen Syrett Presents Talk and Poster at ELM
Troy Messick gives an invited talk at Princeton University
Quartz Colvin Attends CoLang Summer Institute
Rutgers’ Presence at African Linguistics School (ALS7)
Jiaxing Yu Presents Poster at Sinn und Bedeutung (SUB29)
Adam Jardine Awarded Collaborative Research Grant
Chaoyi Chen Successfully Passed His Dissertation Defense
Spring 2024 News
Huteng Dai Lands Assistant Professorship at University of Michigan
Adam McCollum and Yimei Xiang promoted with Tenure
Kristen Syrett Published in Language Acquisition
Rutgers Linguistics at the 10th MACSIM
Rutgers Linguistics at Tu+9
Huteng Dai successfully defends his dissertation
Kristen Syrett at Yale Linguistics Colloquium
Rutgers Linguistics at LSA 2024 Annual meeting
Vincent Czarnecki Teaches Course at V-NYI#8
Vincent Czarnecki Gives Talk at Stony Brook
Fall 2023 News
Rutgers Linguistics at SYNNYU
Kristen Syrett Quoted in The Independent
Troy Messick published in Glossa
Meg Gotowski Gets JCF Grant
Maria Kouneli Joins Rutgers Linguistics
Welcome to the new cohort of grad students!
Dorothy Ahn and Jiaxing Yu at SuB 28
Gérard Avelino at APLL-15
Summer 2023 News
Troy Messick published in Linguistic Inquiry
Rutgers at SICOGG 25 and ICTEAP-4
Rutgers at 2023 LSA Institute
Akinbiyi Akinlabi Awarded Nigerian Academy of Letters Fellowship
Jiaxing Yu at ESSLLI 2023 Student Session
Tajudeen Mamadou successfully defends his dissertation
Rutgers at ACAL 54
Hyunjung Joo at SpaB2023 and ICPhS 2023
Hyunjung Joo awarded at PaPE 2023 for best oral presentation
Hyunjung Joo at HISPhonCog 2023
Mark Baker at JENom 10
Spring 2023 News
Beryl Bui Presented at SEALS 32
Rutgers linguists at CLS 59
Bruce Tesar and Chaoyi Chen Get SAS Undergraduate Education Awards
Dorothy Ahn and Luke Adamson at WCCFL-41
Troy Messick published in Syntax
Sreekar Raghotham and Troy Messick at (f)ASAL-13
Rutgers Linguistics at the 9th MACSIM
Tajudeen Mamadou gave a talk at ACLC
Yimei Xiang published in Linguistics and Philosophy
Hazel Mitchley passes her dissertation defense
Rutgers linguists at NELS 53 in Göttingen
Ziling Zhu at Amsterdam Colloquium 2022
Kristen Syrett published in IJLCD and Lang. Linguist. Compass
Fall 2022 News
Mark Baker presented at Stony Brook Colloquium
Ang Li passes her dissertation defense
Rutgers Linguists at AMP 2022
Eileen Blum lands job at Data Piper for Google CCAI
Kristen Syrett quoted in CNN article
Shuyan Wang joins as post-doc for LDLS
Luke Adamson joins as visiting lecturer
Rutgers phonologists present their work at WMTRP
Gérard Avelino presented at APLL 14 and CreteLing 2022
Akinbiyi Akinlabi inducted into the Nigerian Academy of Letters
Rutgers linguists at ALS 6
Eileen Blum defends her dissertation
Lydia Newkirk defends her dissertation
Welcome to our new graduate students
Spring 2022 News
Meg Gotowski successfully defends her dissertation
Yimei Xiang published in Natural Language Semantics
Diti Bhadra awarded the NSF CAREER Award
Amy Rosen and Nishtha Trivedi win Henry Rutgers Scholar Award
Dorothy Ahn published in Linguistics and Philosophy
Kristen Syrett quoted in The New Yorker
Rutgers linguists gave invited talks at UMass
Adam McCollum published in Glossa
Adam Jardine receives promotion with tenure
Nate Koser passed his dissertation defense
Dorothy Ahn (with Heejong Ko) published in Glossa
Shiori Ikawa successfully defended her dissertation
Jess Law published in Journal of Semantics
Hazel Mitchley presented at LSA 2022
Megan Gotowski, Viviane Déprez published in Glossa
Fall 2021 News
Kristen Syrett published in Language
Kristen Syrett receives the FIGS Faculty Mentor Award
Kristen Syrett receives SAS Award for Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Education
Mariapaola D’Imperio interviewed by The Cut
Tajudeen Mamadou and Mariapaola D’Imperio gave an invited talk at Ghent University
Dorothy Ahn published in Language Learning and Development
Adam Jardine published in Language
Huteng Dai, Nate Koser and Adam McCollum at AMP 2021
Dorothy Ahn gave a plenary talk at SinFonIJA 14
Warm welcome to our new grad students!
Carly Dickerson joins us as a post-doctoral associate
Spring 2021 News
Dorothy Ahn gave a talk at ESSLLI2021
Yu Cao passed his dissertation defense
Adam McCollum presented at Leipzig University
Mariapaola D’Império interviewed on Vox
Rutgers linguists at PaPE2021
Meg Gotowski recognized by LSA
Kristen Syrett and Jessica Rett on American Refugee podcast #15
Meg Gotowski talks with 8th grade students
Lydia Newkirk to give a talk at The University of Manchester
Kristen Syrett interviewed by Mic
Tatevik Yolyan and Adam McCollum at 28th mfm
Adam McCollum published in Laboratory Phonology
Ziling Zhu and Kristen Syrett at DUCOG
Robert Esposito receives the Henry Rutgers Scholar Award
Sreekar Raghotham and Troy Messick at CLS – 57
Hazel Mitchley at Manchester Forum in Linguistics
Shiori Ikawa awarded the Mellon Dissertation completion fellowship
Mariapaola D’Imperio elected as board member of ISCA
Rutgers at SALT 2021
UnderLings : Research by Honors thesis students.
Kristen Syrett at the kick-off event for Rutgers Language and Social Justice initiative.
Chris Oakden defends his dissertation successfully
Mariapaola invited for talks at NYU, UPenn and Cornell
Kristen Syrett published in Frontiers in Psychology.
Kristen Syrett invited for workshop Children Learning Adjectives
Graduate students at ACAL-52
Rutgers at (F)ASAL-11
Kristen Syrett published and also received an NSF grant
Yair Haendler joins Rutgers Linguistics
Adam Jardine at Princeton Phonology Forum
Dorothy Ahn at University of Toronto
Yimei Xiang in Natural Language Semantics
Mariapaola D’Imperio in First Language
Mark Baker in a “Linguistic flash-mob”
Adam McCollum at Keio x ICU Colloquia
Rutgers @ LSA Annual Meet 2021
Mark Baker elected LSA Fellow
Adam McCollum at Keio and International Christian Universities
Fall 2020 News
Meg Gotowski Invited to Speak at UNC
Rutgers in NLLT
Augustina Owusu Passed Her Dissertation Defense
Augustina Owusu Invited to Give Colloq Talk at BU
Prof. D’Imperio Published in “The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody” and “Lab Phonology”
Rutgers at AMP 2020
Rutgers at CALL
Happy Halloween!
Livia Camargo Souza Successfully Defended Her Dissertation
Prof. D’Imperio Receives NSF Grant for AI Facial Analytics in Language
Kristen Syrett Published in “Language Acquisition”
Rutgers in “Phonology”
Alumna Diti Bhadra Published in Journal of Semantics
Meet Our New Grad Students!
Dorothy Ahn Joins Rutgers Linguistics!
Spring 2020 News
Prof. Syrett Interviewed by NPR and Yahoo! Life
Morgan Moyer to do Postdocs at Stanford and CNRS Paris
Deepak Alok Successfully Defended His Dissertation
Prof. D’Imperio Appointed International Chair for LabEx EFL
Daniel Altshuler Starts New Position as Associate Professor at Jesus College
Deepak Alok’s Paper Accepted in “Syntax”!
Morgan Moyer and Prof. Kristen Syrett Published in WIREs Cog Sci
Congratulations to Dr. Vera Gor!
Simon Charlow Awarded Fellowship for Research Excellence
Pets of the Department: Quarantine Edition
Prof. D’Imperio’s Advisee Successfully Defends Dissertation
Meet Our Fourth Years!
Yimei Xiang Published in Linguistics and Philosophy
Mariapaola D’Imperio Invited to Speak at TAI
Yimei Xiang Published in Journal of Semantics
Rutgers at ADPW3
Rutgers Open House!
Mariapaola D’Imperio Invited to Give Two Talks in April
Rutgers at ConSoLE 28
Chris Oakden’s Article Accepted to Phonology
Rutgers at WCCFL 2020
Nick Danis’ Article Published in Phonology
Fall 2019 News
Deepak Alok Awarded Dissertation Grant
Linguistic Fieldwork at Rutgers – Eileen Blum (Vol. II)
Linguistic Fieldwork at Rutgers – Adam McCollum (Vol. I)
Rutgers at NECPhon 2019
Akinbiyi Akinlabi Gave Invited Talk at Leiden University
Kristen Syrett Featured in “In Plain Language” Podcast
Mariapaola D’Imperio Invited to Speak at UMass and TAL
Meg and Kristen at BUCLD!
Chris Oakden Representing Rutgers at NELS!
Our Linguists at the Rutgers Indigenous Languages Colloquium
Happy Halloween!!
Rutgers Linguists at the Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference!
Meg Gotowski’s Article Published in Linguistica Atlantica
Livia Souza to Speak at NYU Fieldwork Group
Meet the Pets of the Department
Jess Law now an Assistant Professor at UCSC
Congrats to Dr. Jess Law, Dr. Ümit Atlamaz, and Dr. Yağmur Sağ!
Fall 2019 Colloquium Series
Diti Bhadra Receives Tenure-Track Position at UMN
Natasha Chemey to Present at AALC
Rutgers at AMP 2019!
Hello to Our New Faculty Members!
Meet Our New Grad Students!